How Happy is your Home's Energy?

Believe it or not your home has it's own energy

In fact everyone and everything has energy so your home has a combination of energy from the furniture and objects in your home, the energy coming in from external natural elements and the energy from the people living and visiting your home. That's a lot of energy to consider isn't it!

So how do you know what your home's energy is like and how can you change it?

Now, there are a lot of factors that can change the way your home feels to you, but lets start by focusing on the energy.

Does your home have good air flow?  The energy in your home should be able to move freely around your rooms.  If you don't think it does, there are some easy ways to improve this:

  • The simplest is to open your windows to move the energy around so that there is no stale air sitting in corners
  • Burning white sage around a room is another way to help clear stale or negative energy, paying particular attention to dark, unused corners of rooms

Check if there are any large obstacles blocking the visual and energetic paths as you move around your rooms, if your sight is blocked and you feel overpowered by large objects, chances are the energy is obstructed here also.  If this is the case you may need to do a little restyling and furniture movement to create better flow or find a new home for these items which are in the way.

Now, lets look at the energy we bring into our home.  If you are bringing a lot of tension home from work, not only does this impact everyone else's mood but it also leaves this negative energy sitting in your home.

A great way to help the transition from work to home is to create an after work ritual to clear the energy of work ready for family and relaxation, some practices you could try are:

  • Sitting for a couple of minutes in your car before you come home and visualising yourself leaving this energy at work in whichever way works for you
  • Having a shower as soon as you get home to wash away the stress and negative energy or take a relaxing bath if you have the time
  • Doing a quick clearing meditation or using white sage or a clearing spray
  • Go for a walk in the garden or around the block

I hope these simple ideas improve the energy in your home too.

Happy home energy, Jen